Wednesday 15 December 2010

Shoe pictures.

Here are some pictures on the work i have been doing to my shoe, i used a template of a shoe and over cling film spread some mod roc around it, i left a gap in the centre of the shoe template so after its dried i can remove the two parts of the shoe, then work on getting it back together. After that i put both parts together forming mod rock around it till it was the full shape of a shoe, then i began working on my heel. For the heel i decided to use clay and get two strips &tangle them together to get a twisted affect because i thought it was different and it looks nice. :)

Tuesday 14 December 2010

LO.4 Pictures of the visit to Browic road.

-These pictures are of what we took in Browic school when we were doing our work shops with the children, this one shows some of us doing activitys with the children...

-This picture shows our group leaders talking to them...

-Heres another workshop going on,notice how the children are listening...

-In this workshop some questions are being asked, and all the kids are getting involved& joining in by putting their hands up to answer...

- This picture shows the children doing an activity of sharing a toy, this was about teaching the children to think and make sensible desisions of how to share...

Tuesday 7 December 2010

LO.3 Letter♥

Wymondham High School
Folly Road

Tuesday 7th December 2010

On Tuesday 30th of November we all went to Browick infant school to send a message across to donate to charity and its importance, but also to do workshops with the year 2 students and show our performances. Both performances included donating in some way, for example the first showed a woman donating to charity, then from that help, a boy was saved. Then the other one shows us a boy with lots of old toys which he doesn’t play with anymore decide to instead of throwing them in the rubbish, actually donate them to a charity shop where boys &girls can use them for fun. This is a good example for them to follow.
           Another activity we did with the kids was a workshop in small groups, the year 10’s took an amount of kids and taught them in fun ways to share and to teach them of the importance of charity in a way they will remember.
           Unfortunately we did not receive any donations, but we will continue to advertise, spread the message around. We would have thought this might have been as result to being almost Christmas, and families don’t have the time to search thought their belongings, but we are hoping after Christmas, when all the children get their new clothes and toys that we should get some donations in!

Friday 3 December 2010

LO.4 Theatre in Education workshop at Browick Road♥

Tuesday 30th December i couldnt attend my day at Browick road, but i was meant to be joining everyone in a visit to Browick road school to do a performance about donating to charity and how it helps. & also be running a few workshops with the year 2 students helping them to be aware and understand the importance of donating to charity. From what i've heard the visit wasnt overlly sucessfull due to absences & that the children didnt donate anything. But was sucessfull in passing the message and i hope they learnt something from it.