Tuesday 19 October 2010


Today we have been starting to plan out our shoe, we did mind maps and gathered pictures off the internet to make a collage of pictures to give us ideas to choose from, we have decided to make a 'high heeled hi-top' which is bacically a mix betweena high heel and a hi-top (trainer). We decided to do this because its different and new, we havent yet decided exactly whats gonna go on it but we have got plenty of ideas for that yet.

Also today we have been working on our campaign work the 'British Red Cross' charity, to raise awareness we are going to be designing posters, leaflets, radio & T.V interviews/adverts. To promote this charity and also get people thinking about donating their clothes, we are going to hang the posters around the school which should catch our biggest target audience which are the kids,the posters should be bold&bright therefore eye catching for children. But we are also producing leaflets and radio&tv adverts which can be aimed for the audience of teenagers&adults. This is also going to pursuade them to think of buying from the store, if we get any donations we will make sure we check through the clothes so there is no rubbish that the charity shop will have to pay to get rid of. In drama we have began our short T.V play about the British Red Cross, we have got into groups of roughly 5 and in this group we have started to plan a tv advert that would be suitable to get the message across, bearing in mind the target audience we have aimed this at which will be children-teenagers mostly...it has to be clear&easy for them to understand otherwise they wont get the point of our play,the message we really want to send is to show them the importance of our charity 'The Red Cross' and what it does, why they should donate,how their donations are gonna help,and what they get out of doing it :)

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