Tuesday 19 October 2010

Trip to Open♥

Last Tuesday we had a trip to Open in Norwich to learn about other people in the creative and media industry, when we got there we were led into a hall were we sat and watched groups of people take centre stage and talk about there jobs and how they got into them, where they went to school/college/university... and what their doing now. Each group had a different subject related to their jobs, these are the subjects we were talked to about... Performance, Dance, Animation and Design graphics. each person in the group took turn to stand up and give roughly a 10-15minute talk about themselves, most of the people had presentations to show as well. I found that the day was a bit long because they didn't involve us much apart from us asking them questions, it was all sit and listen no practical which would of made things more interesting. Some of the subjects wouldn't be for me so it did not grab my attention although a few of them i hadn't really heard much about before so listening to what its about made me take a bit of an interest in it that i didn't before i came.
However i did learn from these speech's and not all of them were for me but i was especially impressed by the performance one, i was interested in everything they said, it gave me some tips for my future, and also ideas of what routes to take options i could do.
So i guess overall it was a successful trip :).

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