Tuesday 28 September 2010


Throughout the process of planning and conducting my campaign i must reguarly monitor my progress and examine my achievements and aims.
I must constantly ask myself if i am achieving what i set out to achieve and if not, why not - and then i should ask what i need to do to get nearer to achieving my intentions.
I must actively use my reflections to inform, shape or modify my work as i think appropriate.
When the campaign is over i should also include an investigation into the effectness of my campaign. this could be carried out by gathering feedback from my target audience using methods such as questionnaires or focus groups.

I will need to examine where i succeed and where i do not succeed, i need to consider areas for improvement and after intentions or plans where necessary in order to achieve my aims.

Learning Objective 4♥

Throughout the process of planning and creating my Artefact i must reguarly moniter my own activity and examine my achievements and aims.

I must constantly ask myself if i am achieving what i set out to achieve, and if not, why not - and then i should ask what i need to do to get nearer to creating what i intend to create.

I must actively use my reflections to inform, shape or modify my work as i think appropriate.

I will need to:
  • examine where i succeed and where i do not succeed
  • consider areas for improvement
  • alter intentions or plans where necessary in order to achieve my aims.
At the end of the process i should think about what i have learnt, and how i can put this learning to good use in my next project.

phone call...♥

I have just made a phone call to Hemstocks's jewellers in Wymondham, to ask for permission to visit there shop next Tuesday for half an hour. We will go in small groups and find out about the shop's history&business, and also take some pictures for our artifact unit. Before we made the phone call i was kinda nervous about what to say, but once the conversation was going i felt quite comfortable talking confidently and i actually wouldn't mind doing it again.


We are researching converse, there are lots of different styles of converses, they are very nice and lots of people have them. The shoes weren't very popular until basketball player Chuck Taylor decided they were his favourite shoes. He was impressed with the shoes design so he became there leading salesman. After making a few changes to the shoes, the shoes got it's name and Chuck Taylor's signature on the all star sign.
converses were worn by the entire athletics team in the movie Grease. When Converse was bought by Nike in 2003 and operations were moved from the United States to overseas, the design saw a few alterations. The fabric for a short time was no longer 2-ply cotton canvas but 1-ply textile and many wearers noticed different patterns of wear.Because of these complaints the shoe was once again produced with the twin layer canvas design starting sometime in the past 5 years. This change caused about a £2.7 increase in the shoe across the brand from about £21.6 to £24.4 respectively. On the converse website you can create your own converses this shows that converse has become very popular. Loads of celebs wear converses like Zac Efron, Daniel Craig, Jedward, Paris Hilton, Chris Brown and many more!

Tuesday 21 September 2010


We have just watched the videos on YouTube called 'Mary Queen Of Charity Shops'. It shows you Mary Portas going into a charity shop and finding out what things they can sell and what things they have to chuck away. They are able to sell 25% of donations they get so that's 2 out 10 items they can sell. Mary changed the unorganised, filthy charity shop into an improved and cleaner charity shop which will sell more items and raise more money.
        This can tell us that for a charity shop to work&be sucessfull, it needs to be organised,clean,and all the donations have to be in good condition so people will want to buy them. It also showed us how poorly conditioned items that actually get dontated are, and has given us all a boost to check through our items before we send them off.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Homework 1- Artefact,Campaign&Performance♥

This year we are going to be studying Artefact,Campaign&Performance.
I understand that Artefact is when people make things for reasons from just being useful, expressing ideas, or just take an enjoyment in looking at them. This year we will be working towards making an artefact of our own. Campaign refers to the practice of using creative and media techniques and products to promotes ideas and raises awearness. And finally i understand a performance can involve a single performer or a group, can also involve activitys such as, acting, dancing, singing, stand up comedy or circus skills.