Tuesday 21 September 2010


We have just watched the videos on YouTube called 'Mary Queen Of Charity Shops'. It shows you Mary Portas going into a charity shop and finding out what things they can sell and what things they have to chuck away. They are able to sell 25% of donations they get so that's 2 out 10 items they can sell. Mary changed the unorganised, filthy charity shop into an improved and cleaner charity shop which will sell more items and raise more money.
        This can tell us that for a charity shop to work&be sucessfull, it needs to be organised,clean,and all the donations have to be in good condition so people will want to buy them. It also showed us how poorly conditioned items that actually get dontated are, and has given us all a boost to check through our items before we send them off.

1 comment:

  1. Apply what you've learnt here to what you plan on doing for Campaign and how you can help raise profile for Red Cross. Cross reference your work. all of this input is there for you to think about how charity shops can raise awareness and how you can conduct a campaign on their behalf. You have to be aware of strategies and techniques employed...leaflets/posters/adverts etc...where are your examples and analysis? How is TIE going to help us?
