Tuesday 9 November 2010


I don't mind the campaign side, i think its good that we're in groups working together on this as it makes me more confident in a group than on my own, I'm finding it slightly more challenging than the artefact because we are expected to have our performances done and dusted soon,which they should be because I've done quite a lot of practicing and planning, although i do like the drama side of it because it allows us to have space from others and work individually or as a group,and have the freedom to do it ourselves as long as we get the work done.
i have completed basically all the work set,we had two main pieces of homework which are the story board and the live review,the story board was to show our performance in its stages and to write a little of whats going on so it shows we're organised but also so the teacher knows what we are doing. Also we had to complete a live review of a performance we watched a few weeks ago, which was performed by a drama group and gave across a good message about everyday life and being grateful for what you have, it was quite moving and has also0 given me some ideas of how to get our performance the same. I have also been working on my groups leaflets&posters for the red cross, making them better and making sure they will be successful.

1 comment:

  1. Hollie link this into planning. How are you prepearing for performance and workshop? What are your specific roles? How does Theatre in education help spread the message of your campaign? Which is? Who is your target audience?
