Tuesday 23 November 2010

LO.2 Tuesday 23rd November♥

Today In art with Miss Pinnington, we started to make our shoe, we used template molds to wrap cling film around them, then we had the choice whether to use paper mache, mod roc, clay or others, to start making the shoe shape. I used Mod roc and have now covered most of the mold with it then next lesson I'm able to slip the mold out of it and have the base of my shoe. I found this pretty easy to do, next lesson I've decided to build up more mod roc over to make the surface thicker and i will create my heel using clay, i have also decided that I'm not going to make a high-heeled hi-top because it will be too challenging for my stage of work, so I'm just going to create a high heeled shoe with lots of colour, possible gems&jewellery to represent 'Hemstocks' the shop we are going to display our shoe in. I think i'm doing well in art so far, i dont seem to be struggling with anything & we have just handed in our sketch books which contain mostly all the work we have done so far, includes all our sketches,planning&research.
Miss Pinnington has marked some of my work already and i would say most of the comments are possitive but a few things i need to improve on.

For campaign I have also created a poster for Staff&Children in the school to encourage them to donate any clothes, items, toys to our group in the drama studio on Tuesday lunchtimes,we have decided to use the lunchtimes on tuesdays to collect donations because its the day we spend here in wymondham high&it will be easy to collect them from there and easy for everyone else to acess. We are going to put the posters around the school, and send any donations to the charity shop we are working with, but not forgetting to check for any possible rubbish or bad conditioned clothing.

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